(Cambridge English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press definition of scarcity and opportunity) 4. “The average household is trapped in poverty: it cannot transition to productive professions because of an initial lack of wealth.” There may be a lack of opportunities for your particular skills. Closely related to the achievement gap and the learning gap, the term opportunity gap refers to how race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, English language proficiency, community wealth, family situations, or other factors contribute to or maintain lower educational aspirations, achievements, and achievements for certain groups of students. I pointed out that there is no private market per se in these communities and that the challenge is to improve the functioning of government, rather than trying to develop stupid supply-side stimulus that would fail for lack of opportunity. This argument about individual characteristics is what you might call endemic – you hear it all the time. Are the poor just stupid and lazy? It`s pretty much the same with racists and sexists, who basically claim that black people and women are stupid/lazy to justify the oppression of these people. It may seem rude to criticize liberal UBI supporters, but they associate with the poor, provided that “fundamentally” is all they are owed. No mention of what “opportunity” might be. “Opportunity” is synonymous with “employment”.
When I think loud and clear, I like what you quoted at the beginning, but on the other hand, I notice that the study seemed not to compare UBI and JG. The choice between the neoliberal unemployment stabilizer of a RUB and a full employment stabilizer rather than a JG was well articulated by Bill on this blog page and followed by many others in economic heterodoxy. The removal of the poor from the anchoring claws of the reindeer provides an opportunity and space to organize the ascent. Having a JG that offers a real opportunity and not a cruel and lukewarm safety net should be a big step towards liberating society from the world we have become. “Poverty is about lack of opportunity.” I have never uttered a truer word. Lawyers also cite what they perceive to be a lack of opportunities for advancement within companies. The supply-side shock that economies are currently experiencing is a snapshot of what would happen under a nationally introduced UBI. Guy has first-hand experience of what his dream would achieve. In general, the opportunity gap refers to inputs – the unequal or unequal distribution of resources and opportunities – while the achievement gap refers to outputs – the unequal or unequal distribution of educational outcomes and achievements. The learning gap refers to the relative achievement of each student, i.e., the gap between what a student has actually learned and what is expected of students at a given age or grade level. Most people are not poor because they lack innate abilities, but are limited by a lack of access to more productive activities.
Interventions that are not enough to get people above the threshold will not improve long-term outcomes. “I don`t think there was a demarcation, but there was a lack of opportunities. While I have no reason to dispute the thesis that poverty is a matter of lack of opportunity, I maintain that it is primarily a lack of money. If my claim is the starting point for writing a correction, then it is a question of determining what is best for a cohesive and compassionate society to get a threshold of money into the hands of the poor. As we understand it, it is not a problem for a money-issuing government to spend money to lift the poor out of poverty. This became evident when JobSeeker was dramatically increased to $40/day (still not enough) with keyboard strokes at the beginning of the pandemic, and then cruelly reduced to $45/day at the whim of our punitive government, which pushed many people back into poverty. “Human trafficking is rooted in poverty and lack of opportunity,” he said. When I was a PhD student at Monash University in Melbourne, I had many debates with a seasoned academic who would become a co-author early in my academic career about the relative importance of choices and constraints. In the standard electoral theoretical framework, people are designed to maximize satisfaction through the choices they make, based on the opportunities they face (constraints). This simplistic version of human decision-making dominates mainstream economics and leads to absurd conclusions, such as that unemployment is a voluntary condition in which people prefer leisure (a good) to work (bad) in order to maximize their well-being because income from labor (a good) is not sufficient on an hourly basis to compensate for the uselessness that labor causes. This kind of thinking permeates discipline. My former colleague kept saying that people make decisions, and there is no denying that.